Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing 
Woodloes Primary School is committed to promoting and protecting emotional wellbeing and mental health in our school community. We strive to create an environment which has a whole school approach in providing excellent support, understanding and intervention for all individuals in order to maintain their positive wellbeing and mental health. 


Mrs. Khaira is Woodloes Primary School Senior Mental Health Lead.
Her role is to oversee the mental health wellbeing provision for adults and children at Woodloes Primary School.
Compass for Health Information

Compass for Health Hand-Hygiene-Pack.pdf

Resources and Links:

You can contact any of us at school if you are concerned about your child’s mental health.
Miss Lyons, Miss Tresadern, Mrs Astley,  Mrs Liney and Mrs Khaira are our named mental health first aider in school.

Below are some weblinks that will help to point you in the right direction if you are
concerned about your child’s mental health, regardless of their age, out of school hours:


Below are some useful websites for further information linked to general wellbeing and relaxation - for all the family!

Each week, There will be information on arrange of topics linked to Mental Health for all.  If you require any support then please contact the school office.
Other Resources

Parent carer MHST Tips - Managing change.pdf

08.07.24 - Challenge.pdf

01.07.24 - Embracing Change.pdf

24.06.24 - Relaxation.pdf

17.06.24 - Empathy.pdf

Parent Tip - Tips to Boost your Childs Mood.pdf

03.06.24 - Get outdoors (1).pptx

20.05.24 - Stress awareness.pdf

13.05.24 - Positivity (1).pdf

06.05.24 - Self-care.pdf

29.04.24 - Being mindful and taking notice.pdf

19.04.24 Mindfulness Parent Carer MHST Tip.pdf

22.04.24 - Sleep & Rest.pdf

15.04.24 - Be active.pdf

08.04.24 - Being brave (1).pdf

18.03.24 - Mood Boosters.pdf

11.03.24 - Gratitude.pdf

04.03.24 - Respect.pdf

22.02.24 Resilience Parent Carer MHST Tip.pdf

26.02.24 - Trying New Things.pdf

19.02.24 - Setting Goals.pdf

05.02.24 - Talking.pdf

29.01.24 - Connecting.pdf

22.01.24 - Giving to Others.pdf

15.01.24 - Inclusion Belonging.pdf

18.12.23 - Bouncing Back.pdf

11.12.23 - Learning.pdf

C4H newsletter December 2023.pdf

20.11.23 - Laughter.pdf

Parent Carer MHST Tip - Managing Anxiety Around School.pdf

06.11.23 - Persistence.pdf

23.10.23 - Sleep (1).pdf

16.10.23 - Strength.pdf

09.10.23 - Be You.pdf

25.09.23 - Change.pdf

Parent Tips - How to help your child mangae their emotions at home

Relaxing Music

Calming Techniques

Anxiety Booklet

Nature Guide for Pupils

Nature Guide for Parents/Caregivers

Meaningful May 2022 Actions

Map of Emotions

Calm Affirmations

May 2023
This term's COMPASS for heath focus' on 'Let us move together'

May we move together

Put a spring in your step this May and make a positive difference to your mental health and overall wellbeing. The campaign encourages children, young people and families to get active throughout May to experience the positive benefits that exercise has on mental health. Challenge yourself and others to try new fun activities and keep on track with the May activity tracker

2023-06-02 - Wellness Comms Pack.docx


Anxiety 1 (Thrive 4 2023).pdf

RISE MHST 'Talking'.pdf

Pupil Mental Health 
Pupil Mental  Health Wellbeing
We recognise that children's mental health is a crucial factor in their well-being and can affect their learning and achievement. All children go through difficulties during their school journey and some face significant life events.
The Department of Education (DFE)  recognises that: "in order to help their children succeed:  schools have a role to play in supporting them to be resilient and mentally healthy.
School is a place for children and young people to experience a nurturing and supportive environment that has the potential to develop self-esteem and give positive experiences for overcoming adversity and building resilience.
Our aim is to develop the protective factors which build resilience to mental health problems and to be a school where:
  • all children are valued
  • children have a sense of belonging and feel safe
  • children feel able to talk openly with trusted adults about their problems without feeling any stigma
  • positive mental health is promoted and valued
  • bullying is not tolerated

Useful websites for parents and children.docx





Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing 
Staff Wellbeing: 

At Woodloes Primary School we are committed to making sure that maintaining the wellbeing of all employees is recognised and supported. The purpose of this policy is to maintain a school ethos which supports staff health and wellbeing by making sure that all employees are treated fairly and consistently. It is our aim that staff feel valued, supported and encouraged to develop personally and professionally within a caring, purposeful learning community

Our wellbeing policy ensures that employee well-being is regularly monitored and reviewed against the Educational Staff Wellbeing Charter, published by the Department for Education. 


Woodloes Wellbeing Charter

WPS Staff Wellbeing Policy.pdf

Woodloes Wellbeing Pledge.pdf

DFE Education staff wellbeing charter

Family and Health Wellbeing November 2022 Newsletter