Every child has the right to receive the very best education that we can provide but this can only be achieved if they are in school. Attendance and punctuality are critical factors not only to your child’s education but also to the success of the school and therefore other children. Please ring the school before 9.30 am on the first day of the child’s absence, or e-mail If e-mailing, please state your child's name and reason for absence. Children require an appointment card from the dentist or doctor when undergoing sustained treatment.
It is now school policy to ring parents if we do not have prior notification of appointments or parents have not contacted the school. This is to ensure the safety of all of our children.
Children only get one chance at school, and your child’s chances of a successful future may be affected by not attending school regularly.
- If it is known that a child will be away for any reason, a note in advance is expected.
- It is imperative that you ring the school before 9.30am on the first day of absence (or e-mail). If the child is due to return to school later in the day, an approximate time of arrival should be given and an indication of whether a school lunch is required or not. Pupils arriving after registration will need to be signed in by an appropriate adult.
- If a child is absent from school then a note should be brought on the first day back.
- If there are medical reasons why you wish your child to be excused from any physical activities, then a note is required.
- Forms are available from the school office for families who request to take their holidays within term time. Please note that there are now strict regulations in place from the Department for Children, Schools and Families and we have to follow these guidelines in order to authorise a holiday.
- All notes should be addressed to the class teacher.
- Please see our attendance policy for further information:
Leave of Absence
Please see here for guidelines issued by the Government: Leave-of-Absence--Regulations.pdf
If you wish to request a Leave of Absence for your child, please complete the following form and hand in to the School Office at least 6 weeks prior to the requested Leave of Absence date Application-for-Leave-of-Absence.docx
The School Office can administer medication if your child requires it during the school day, for example, antibiotics. A Medical Consent form (see link below) MUST be fully completed and handed to the School Office, along with the medication, which must be clearly labelled with the content and child's name.
Due to health and safety regulations, we are unable to administer medication without a fully completed form.