
The Community Academies Trust Governor Charter

The Governance Charter 202123 (1).pdf

The School Standards Committee

The School Standards Committee is responsible for the performance and standards at Woodloes Primary School. The views of the Head Teacher, all other staff (teaching and non-teaching), parents and other stakeholders and members of the local community are all represented on the SSC by having representation at the meetings.

The SSC has powers delegated by the Directors of the Community Academies Trust and reports to them on a half termly basis.

School governors commit to giving time and energy to the role. Each governor contributes to the work of the SSC and shares the load. Governors are asked to take part in regular meetings, read papers and find out about the issues being discussed.

The SSC works closely with its School Leadership Team with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. It fulfils its obligations by establishing the strategic framework by:

·         Setting aims and objectives for the school.

·         Adopting policies for achieving those aims and objectives.

·         Setting targets for achieving those aims and objectives.

Our SSC has a good mix of both experienced and relatively new members representing staff, parents, the CAT and the wider community. The governors on the SSC are:

Sue Robinson

Chair of Governors/ Safeguarding Governor

Sue has been a governor at Woodloes Primary School since 2009 when the infant and junior school amalgamated to become the primary school. This is when her twin sons joined the reception year; she was initially a parent governor but has been a community governor for just over one year. Sue works analysing data and providing research support. In her spare time she enjoys running (especially parkrun) and watching whatever sport her children participate in.

Mr Mitch Reynolds

Community Governor

Mrs Niki Onilari

Community Governor

Holly Hughes

Parent Governor

Mrs Nusrat Khan

Parent Governor

Ms Justine Valentine

Staff Governor

If you have any questions or comments regarding the work of the SSC please contact the school office where you will be provided with contact details for our Chair and or Vice-Chair.  You can also provide feedback via the school comments box located in the foyer.  Please remember to include your name and contact details if you want a specific response to your suggestion or query.
Pecuniary Interests - current year:

Attendance Register WPS SSC 09-07-24 (2).docx

Attendance Register WPS SSC 06-09-23.docx

Attendance Register WPS SSC 11-07-23.pdf

Attendance Register WPS SSC 12-07-22.pdf

Link to pecuniary interests for all current serving governors