
Woodloes Primary School Maths Curriculum


Maths is the foundation for understanding the world and at Woodloes Primary School, we want our children to understand real-life links with of the maths content being taught, and to be able to use and apply their knowledge within other subject areas and situations.


The intent of our Mathematics curriculum is to teach and inspire children with: foundational and conceptual knowledge; the numerical skills to improve their cultural capital; aspiration to become active, successful contributors to the local and national community. We also aim to present Maths as a challenging, engaging and relevant subject in order to promote a ‘can do’ attitude. We use mistakes and misconceptions as an essential part of learning and provide challenge through rich and sophisticated problems.


Our aims are for all pupils to:


  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so that they develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
  • Be able to solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including in unfamiliar contexts and to model real-life scenarios
  • Be able to reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and develop and present a justification, argument or proof of using mathematical language
  • Understand and use mathematical concepts in other areas of the curriculum


Our curriculum is shaped by our school vision which aims to enable all children, regardless of background, ability, additional needs, to flourish to become to best version of themselves they can possible be.



In Years R to 6, the Maths curriculum design follows White Rose Maths.  

Class teachers deliver one curriculum for all, providing opportunities for pupils to work through new content as a whole group with targeted ‘scaffolded’ learning provided as required to enable all pupils to consolidate fluency and use and apply their knowledge to solve reasoning and problem-solving activities. Manipulatives and other relevant resources are used to support the teaching and learning of the mathematical concepts.


The Year R to 6 daily maths session starts with a prior learning activity, which gives the pupils the opportunity to practise previous learning which they will need to apply during the maths session for that day.  In addition to this, there are there are scheduled recall maths meetings in EYFS, Key Stage 1 and 2, to enable recall of prior mathematical knowledge.


After consultation with the SENDCo, a bespoke curriculum maybe implemented for a high-needs SEND pupil who is unable to access their current year group curriculum.


As well as subject specific maths lessons and scheduled maths meetings, there are also opportunities for pupils to use and apply their mathematical knowledge in other subject areas, and to recognise real-life applications of the maths skills and knowledge learnt.



The impact of the Maths curriculum is the outcomes for the pupils. It includes what the pupils say and do, their attitude towards their learning in Maths, and how they use and apply the knowledge and skills they acquire, as well as their attainment linked to age related expectations.


The pupils are continually assessed against the year group curriculum they are accessing linked to age related expectations by their class teacher, and half termly assessments linked to Maths also take place throughout the academic year.  Pupils attainment in both of these is used to assess termly if they are working below, at or above age-related expectations. The results of these assessments are recorded are used to inform judgements linked to attainment and progress, and assessments linked to age related expectations are shared with parents/carers in the end of year report.


The impact of the Maths curriculum at Woodloes Primary School is assessed through subject specific monitoring and participation in the deep dive process. Accompanying evidence is provided through pupil interviews, lesson visits, teachers questionnaires, work trawls, learning walks and the analysis of data.

Long-Term Plan

Maths Long Term Plan.pdf

Progression of Skills and Knowledge

Maths Progression of Skills and Knowledge (1).pdf